Daily Workout Schedules to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

To stay on track with your fitness goals, you'll usually need to stick to a daily training program. Although your fitness plan may not necessitate everyday training, it is likely that you will keep to a three-day-per-week schedule.

When you understand your goals and what you want to achieve with your workout, creating daily workout routines is a breeze. Take, for example, the common goal of gaining muscle and losing weight. With these goals in mind, a workout plan would most likely include some form of weight training as well as some aerobic activities to aid fat loss.

  • Mon: Weight lifting (Chest & Back)
  • Tue: Running for 30 minutes
  • Wed: Weight lifting (Legs)
  • Thu: Elliptical machine 45 minutes
  • Fri: Weight Lifting (Shoulders & Arms)
  • Sat: Fasting
  • Sun: Rest

Now all you would do is focus your weight training style to align with your most important goal. So if you subscribe to the philosophy of http://bestlegalsteroids.co/ site and focus on strength training it would most likely involve low reps and heavyweights. If you disagree and believe in a bodybuilding-style or toning method of training then you might have some interval-style weight circuits or some high rep isolation exercises (wasting your time).

daily workout

If you had a goal of weight loss your daily workout schedule might just have cardio and could be something as simple as run every day to lose weight. If weight doesn't come down then run longer. Of course, you could spend all your free time running and it does not mean a thing if your diet is loaded with junk.

If you had a goal of building muscle then you might have a strength training program as your workout routine that makes up your daily schedule.

The point is that your workout schedule has to be one that works for you and aligns with your goals. If I said to run 5 miles a day and bench press 3 times a week but you hated running and had no desire to have a big bench press then it would be an awful program that produces no results that you cared about. On the other hand, if all you cared about was how large your bench press was then you would jump right on board and call this the perfect program.

In reality, very few people need to have daily workout schedules and most can get away with training 2-3 times a week. In powerlifting and strength training rest is more important than time spent in the gym. Most strength athletes train just a couple hours a week and then spend the rest of their time resting and eating. Endurance athletes are known to train long hours but even they don't train every day. I would say the only exception would be if you are into a sport, then you might consider adding in some skill training to your workout program so that you had a balance of sports-specific training, strength, and conditioning.

  • Mon: Skill training
  • Tue: Conditioning
  • Wed: Strength (Push exercises)
  • Thu: Skill training
  • Fri: Conditioning
  • Sat: Strength (Pull exercises)
  • Sun: Stretching & Flexibility

If you are a hardcore athlete (like you are going to make your living doing it) then you might even throw in an a.m. and p.m. session so you could do something like skills drills in the mornings and one of the other fitness aspects in the evening. Twice a day sessions are also a good way to up the calorie burn if you are looking to  drop a lot of weight quickly. You could do some light cardio for time in the mornings and then focus on high intensity training or weight lifting in the evenings.

The options are pretty much limitless but not really that difficult to put together a workout program with a daily routine you can live with. Just keep your most important goals in mind and layout daily workout schedules that make sense. Stick with what you can realistically do and it will be fine.